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Privacy Policy

 Phone numbers (personal information) collected for SMS consent will not be shared with third parties or affiliates for marketing purposes. You may consent to receive text messages from Sumners-Schwartz Law by checking,  "YES" or "NO" via the intake forms found on the website. If you would like to opt out of receiving text messages you may do so at anytime by replying, "STOP." You can opt back in at anytime by replying, "START." If you have any issues providing consent or unsubscribing you can contact us at

We do not knowingly contact or collect personal information from children under 13 years old. If you believe we have inadvertently collected such information, please contact us so we can promptly obtain parental consent or remove the information. 


If you have any questions or concerns about our privacy policies or to request information please contact us:

Our privacy policy may change from time to time. Updated 7/09/2024.


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