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You could be subject to a civil lawsuit based on your alleged conduct. The last thing you want is for your finances to be further impacted by the allegations made against you. Attorneys representing victim’s rights are becoming more and more prominent throughout southwest Missouri and how your criminal case is handled can impact your liability.

Civil Liability

Every employer is different, whether you’re self-employed or work for a large company, or are licensed through the state. There are certain requirements you may have to comply with, simply because you’ve been arrested. I believe it’s important to be
prepared and get out in front of the situation to keep from being penalized.

Current or Future

Even if you receive what you believe is a minor traffic ticket, why would you risk raising your insurance rates or potentially losing your driving privileges? Offenses involving the operation of a motor vehicle, whether it’s speeding or driving while intoxicated these charges can have serious consequences that can follow you
for the rest of your life. Don’t take that chance. Talk to an attorney and get out ahead.

Driving Privileges

Don’t gamble with your life. Criminal charges can impact your freedom and your constitutional rights, such as to vote and bear arms. You could be facing jail or prison time, registering as a sex offender, or losing your license. It’s important to consult with an
attorney who can explain what you’re facing, so that you can make informed decisions about what to do next.
Don’t talk to the police without a lawyer present. It is your constitutional right to have access to representation when being questioned by the police. Even if you believe you have nothing to
hide contact it’s important to invoke your right to counsel.
  -  If you’re under investigation – law enforcement is NOT your friend.

Personal Liberties

Why Hire an Attorney?

Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law….

It’s important to have an attorney that understands the consequences /ramifications that you could face for being charged with a criminal case / subject of a criminal investigation.  Your name, your reputation, and your future are on the line.

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